Our Standard Drupal Work Breakdown Structure Template provides an outline of these phases and detailed tasks to be done that we use for every Drupal project. This template is made to be easily imported to JIRA. It contains:
The master sheet that aggregates the standard epics, tasks, and stories to be easily imported to JIRA.
Sheet for defining the project’s own epics and stories
The standard Initialization and Finalization work breakdown structure that must not be missed for any project
All of this helps to reduce discrepancies in developing each project, not to miss important tasks and also allows our team to deliver a project fast, and incrementally (delivering in the first week of development).
Using The Template:
The template is a Google Spreadsheet that you can easily clone and customize. To do so:
Open the sheet and copy it to make it yours.
Feel free to edit the sheet to make it your own. There are some instructions on how to use the sheet to make it yours.
Follow the instructions on what to edit. We recommend that the “Initialization WBS” and the “Finalization WBS” stay intact (you can edit them once to your standard flow, then replicate for all projects).
For each project, you will want to copy your template to customize the “Project’s Epics WBS” as per the project. The template has some samples for you to consider.
Once done, export the “Master WBS” sheet to CSV. So you can import to your JIRA project.
Map fields to your JIRA.